Make a statement to oppose transit cuts: Wear Red on Friday, September 30th

September 28, 2011

CDTA is bringing the Don’t X Out Public Transit campaign to its riders. The advocacy campaign opposes proposed federal cuts of 30% to transportation. Public transit is crucial to stimulating the economy and connecting people to jobs. Cuts to transit funding will likely force transit agencies to reduce service and/or raise fares, compromise the safety and quality of transit service, lead to major job loss and negatively impact the Capital Region’s quality of life.  

CDTA customers are encouraged to wear red on Friday, September 30th in support of more public transit funding. CDTA Representatives will be stationed at major BusPlus stations during peak travel hours to randomly spot riders wearing red and hand out CDTA freebies. 

 CDTA spotters will be stationed at the following times and locations

8:00-9:30am and 2:30-3:30pm at all locations 

 West Mall BusPlus Station, located at 855 Central Avenue in Albany

 Capitol/Hawk Busplus Station, located at Swan and Washington in Albany

Liberty Park BusPlus Station, located at State and Washington in Schenectady

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