CDTA CEO Carm Basile Delivers Transit testimony for Legislative Budget Hearing on Behalf of NYPTA

CEO Testifies

February 01, 2013

(Albany, NY) – CDTA Chief Executive OfficerCarm Basile testified yesterday at the Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Transportation. Mr. Basile, also President of the New York Public Transit Association, discussed the importance of New York's public transit systems to connecting workers to employment, the growth in ridership across the state, and the many ways that transit supports the state's economy.  

He used several examples from CDTA to show how transit systems are meeting the Governor's challenge to be innovative, work collaboratively, improve cost-effectiveness and better serve customers. The testimony described NYPTA's support of the Governor's Executive Budget proposals for transit operating and capital funding, but emphasized that not all systems will receive increased operating assistance, which will require attention in the future so that transit riders in every region of the state benefit.  

A link to the video of the testimony is found here. Click here to see CEO Carm Basile’s Testimony.  

The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) was created in 1970 by the New York State Legislature, as a public benefit corporation, to provide regional transportation services by rail, bus, water and air. Today, CDTA is the premier mobility provider in the Capital Region, operating regular route, commuter, express and paratransit bus services. CDTA owns and operates the Rensselaer Rail and Saratoga Springs Train Stations. CDTA also operates the Northway Commuter Service between Saratoga County and downtown Albany. Today, over 620 people work at CDTA to deliver a transit system that serves more than 800,000 people who live and work at CDTA, transporting more than 55,000 customers each weekday.